I extend my hear est welcome to all the new aspirants inthe session of 2021-22 of FS University.
The establishment of FS University is the outcome of the blessings bestowed by almighty and elders. Westriveto create a dynamic environment for overall development of the students.Our goal is to maximise the global outreach of the FS University. Our aim is to expand our horizon by educa ng individuals to create a society with high moral and ethical values. We aim to strengthen the vision of the beloved grandfather Late (Shri) Fulan Singh Ji on whose ini als our university is named.
FS University aims at collabora ng with different foreign universi es to give interna onal exposure to our students through interna onal exchange programme, summer and cultural exchange program, foreign internships and global immersion. Such exposure(s) will help our students to have a global outlook and will offer them the pla orm to enhance their skills.In addi on, students will have an opportunity to build rela onships which will help them to grow on personal and professional level.
We believe in ac ve interac on between faculty and students. Hence, we aim at interna onal faculty exchange and developmental programmes to strengthen the pedagogical scheme of teaching and learning.
The lush green campus at the university is fully enabled and provides excellent face-to face and e-learning pla orm. The curriculum along with co-curricular and extra-curricular ac vi$es gives opportunity to shape physical, mental and intellectual well-being of our students. See you at the FS University.