If you’re an educational professional who are looking to progress into management and consultancy, or an educational planning or development role, this is the best degree for you.
The Management, Parents, Students and the Teaching Fraternity are a team and com-plement each other’s efforts. Educa on is not just a process of giving knowledge for a high profile job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide and make our students morally upright ci zens of the country.
We try to create an atmosphere of reverence for educa on and a healthy envi-ronment where academics, sports and co-curricular ac vi es mould our students and mo vate them to be the brightest and the best. The University strives towards inculca ng certain values in the students in order to enrich their mind and spirit and also to develop essen al moral a ributes like truthfulness, courtesy, generosity, compassion, jus ce, love and trustworthiness in them.
I welcome to all the aspirants in FS University for the bright future.